- The bare-root planting season is now upon us and it’s timely to get planning those new hedge and fruit garden projects before the distraction of Christmas and the weather interrupts the flow. Do come and ask advice on specific locations in your garden.
- If
you have a pond, remember to cover it with a net (and peg it down to keep it in place) to prevent falling leaves polluting the water, and if it has fish in ensure it never freezes completely to enable them to breathe. A good way of doing this is to put a child's ball on top of the water. When the pond freezes, just lift off the ball and you have a readymade hole.
Prevent winter moth damage to your fruit trees in spring by intercepting the female caterpillar now so she doesn’t lay her eggs on your trees. The Shop stocks ready-prepared bands for tying around the trunk, or grease which you can apply straight on to the bark.- Garden furniture benefits from being protecte
d through the winter to extend its life. Either store in a garage or shed, or better still, it can be covered in situ with easily removable patio set covers for chairs, benches and tables from Gardman. - Apple and pear trees should be pruned every winter to ensure a good crop of fruit the following season. Trees that are not pruned become less productive and congested with old branches. Pruning is not difficult and the aim is to create an open goblet shape with a framework of about five main branches. Three things to consider: 1. Always use a clean, sharp pair of secateurs, loppers or a pruning s
aw. 2. Start by removing crossing, rubbing, weak, dead, diseased, damaged and dying branches. 3. Keep the centre of the tree open by removing larger branches with a clean, sharp, pruning saw. If several large branches need to be removed, spread the work over two or three winters as very hard pruning encourages even more vigorous growth. Photo credit: RHS Wisley

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